Neva Big bag sustav za rukovanje i skladištenje • Odobreno za hranu

639,00843,00 Isključeno PDV

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SKU: N/A Kategorija: Oznake: , , ,

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Neva Big bag sustav za rukovanje i skladištenje, za big bags s izljevom za pražnjenje • Odobreno za hranu

Neva rješenje odobreno za hranu je izbor za vas, bilo da radite s hranom, prašcima ili kemikalijama gdje je sigurnost hrane ili higijena najveći prioritet. Održavajte svoje proizvodno okruženje čistim s Neva rješenjem za rukovanje big bag odobrenim za hranu. Proizvod je izrađen od vrhunske čiste plastike i nehrđajućeg čelika. Dizajn donjeg dijela čini ga praktičnim i lakim za čišćenje.

Sustav za rukovanje i skladištenje big bag Indus Neva jedinstven je sustav za jednostavno punjenje, siguran unutarnji i vanjski transport, učinkovito složeno skladištenje i lako pražnjenje (s mogućnošću doziranja i prekida kroz klizač) krutih tvari pakiranih u big bags / FIBC.

Kako odabrati visinu stupa za vaš sustav Neva

Za big bags s normalnom duljinom petlji za podizanje (A) od 30 cm, duljina šipke mora biti 15-20 cm duža od visine big bag (D).

U slučaju da trebate pomoć pri odabiru prave duljine stupa ili konfiguracije vašeg Neva sustava, ispunite ovaj obrazac za upit i pošaljite ga na:

Koju vrstu glave za stupove za slaganje odabrati za svoj sustav Neva

Lockhead : Lockhead je uglavnom prilagođen kupcima koji žele staviti već napunjene big bags u sustav i koristiti sustav za daljnji transport, rukovanje, složeno skladištenje i pražnjenje. Ova vrsta glave također se savjetuje za rukovanje big bags s kratkim petljama za podizanje.

Springhead : Springhead je razvijen za kupce koji žele koristiti sustav za punjenje, transport, složeno skladištenje i pražnjenje. Zbog sile opruge teško je učvrstiti petlje za podizanje već napunjenih big bags za daljnje rukovanje i pražnjenje.

Rolling Springhead : Rolling Springhead se preporučuje za big bags , s dimenzijama dna u rasponu od 85 x 85 – 90 x 90 cm. Dizajn omogućuje da petlje za podizanje prelaze preko role pričvršćene oko kukica s unutarnje strane 4 stupa. Prilikom punjenja prazne big bag , ova kuka će stvoriti napetost na petljama za podizanje, dok se big bag spušta na donju palubu. Za razliku od Springhead , Rolling Springhead mora biti okrenut prema unutra.

Napunite, transportirajte, ispraznite i složite svoje big bags . Pogledajte kako je jednostavno:



Težina N/A


Dimenzije donje palube

120 x 120 cm

Visina velike torbe

Minimalno 40 cm
Maksimalno 230 cm

Ispitano i certificirano od strane

IBE-BVI, Sebert

Raspon radne temperature

-10°C do +40°C

Maksimalna nosivost složena

4 visoka x 1500 kg

Maksimalna nosivost

1500 kg po komadu

Težina kompletnog sustava

50 kg za velike vreće od 95 x 95 x 105 cm
56 kg za velike torbe od 95 x 95 x 160 cm
60 kg za velike vreće od 95 x 95 x 200 cm

Stupovi za slaganje/fiksiranje materijala

Ne hrđajući Čelik

Materijal ostali plastični dijelovi

Poliproplen / poliamid

Materijal palube

Čisti polipropilen (PP)

Tip glave za stup za slaganje

Lockhead (standardna), Springhead, Rolling Springhead

Duljina motke

70 cm, 80 cm, 90 cm, 100 cm, 110 cm, 120 cm, 130 cm, 140 cm, 150 cm, 160 cm, 170 cm, 180 cm, 190 cm, 200 cm, 210 cm, 220 cm

Hrana odobrena


Potrošačka prodaja




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Shipping Policy

1.1 For orders where the Seller is arranging transport and are delivering the goods at the buyers requested delivery address, the delivery terms are: DAP – Delivery At Place (Buyers delivery address) Incoterms® 2020. The Seller delivers the goods to a named place of destination, but is not responsible for unloading. His responsibilities include packing, export clearance, carriage expenses and any terminal costs up to the agreed destination. The Buyer is responsible for all costs, duties and taxes associated with unloading the goods. He is also responsible for clearing customs to import the products into the named country of destination.

1.2 For orders where the Buyer is picking up or arranging transport of the goods from Sellers address the delivery terms are: EXW - Ex Works (Sellers address) Incoterms® 2020. The Seller is responsible for making the goods available at its premises. The Buyer handles all costs and risk after the products are collected.

Cancellation / Return / Refund Policy

2.1 Orders can be cancelled until they have been shipped. However maximum 24 hours after the order has been placed.

2.2 Standard products kept in store by the Seller can be returned until 7 days after delivery. The returned products must be unused and in original packaging to be refunded. The shipping costs are non-refundable. Products produced to order cannot be returned and refunded.

2.3 Se how to initiate a return here.

Warranty Policy

3.1 The Seller warrants to the Buyer that all products delivered by the Seller are free of defects in relation to materials, design and finish (the \"Warranty\"). The Warranty applies for the warranty period for the specific product, and any claim from the Buyer under the Warranty must have been made in writing to the Seller within the warranty period. The warranty period for the product is specified on the MEMIDOS product page. The warranty period is counted from delivery of the product.

3.2 Complaints must be made in writing and be received by the seller no later than 6 working days after the
error/defect could have been discovered using general diligence. In all events, a complaint must have taken place before expiry of the warranty period.

3.3 In case of timely complaints, see 3.2, The Seller is obliged, at the Seller’s own choice, to redeliver or repair products not in compliance with the Warranty. This is the Buyer’s sole remedy in the case that supplied product are not in compliance with the Warranty or otherwise defective. The Seller is not obliged to pay the installation costs in the events where installation can usually be made by the Buyer.

3.4 The warranty only applies if the product has been handled, stored and used with the proper care, for the intended purpose and in compliance with applicable law, user instructions and other instructions from the Seller, and that the products supplied, have not been changed or otherwise modified in any way. No warranty is granted for wearing parts, and usual wear and tear are not covered by the warranty.

3.5 No warranty is granted to products that can be categorised as wearing parts or consumables.